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5 Reasons Why You're Not Finding Relief From IBS

Do you feel like you have tried EVERYTHING to manage your IBS, but still struggle with bloating, constipation or diarrhoea?

Well let’s chat about the top 5 reasons why that may be happening...

1. You’re following restrictive diets that cut out complete food groups.

I know you felt lost and confused and you thought just cutting out complete food groups like grains or dairy might be the answer.

This can cause dysbiosis, which is an imbalance in your gut microbes, which can make IBS symptoms including stomach pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea worse. This makes it really hard to identify what foods cause your symptoms because you are likely to be experiencing more severe and frequent symptoms than you usually would.

2. You’re taking unnecessary supplements.

Just curious, how much money have you spent on supplements that are supposed to “cure” your IBS, but haven’t and only left your symptoms worse than when you started?

There are so many available and way too many to mention, but these include probiotics, prebiotics and digestive enzymes. There is limited evidence for their use in IBS and they can actually interfere with results when you are trying to identify which foods cause your symptoms. Many also have high FODMAP ingredients or gut irritants, which cause bloating, stomach pain and diarrhoea and in some people with IBS, supplements, particularly probiotics, can make symptoms worse.

3. You’re not making self-care a priority.

Yes, this is important for managing IBS too! The link between your gut and your brain is a constant two-way communication pathway, known as the gut-brain axis. Research shows that there is a significant link between the gut microbiome, the gut-brain axis and IBS symptoms. Therefore, there is also a link between IBS, stress and anxiety.

Stress can reduce the diversity of your gut microbes and can also increase the activity of and stimulate your gut. This can cause IBS symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, constipation or diarrhoea. Making self-care a priority will help you to improve your gut-brain connection, which will not only help you relieve your symptoms, but also decrease feelings of stress and anxiety.

4. You’re following the low FODMAP diet for too long without moving on to the reintroduction phase.

You may have heard about the FODMAP diet, and you may be thoroughly confused and overwhelmed, that is why I’m here!

The FODMAP diet actually has 3 phases:

  • Phase 1 – Low FODMAP or Elimination.

  • Phase 2 – Reintroduction or Challenge.

  • Phase 3 – FODMAP Personalisation.

The low FODMAP diet is only meant to be followed for 2-6 weeks because it can be restrictive. Following it for a long period of time can lead to you not getting all the nutrition you need.

FODMAPs also contain fibre and are natural prebiotics. Being on the FODMAP diet long-term means that you may struggle with getting enough fibre each day. This can lead to constipation and poorer gut health, which is why it is important to complete the reintroduction phase.

If followed for too long it can create fear around food and cause anxiety, particularly around eating out, which can cause you to cancel plans with friends and become isolated and can even lead to disordered eating.

5. You’re not getting the support of an IBS dietitian.

You do it all and you still don’t see results, and it’s left you feeling like you’re back at square one without giving you long-term relief from your symptoms. You’re just burnt out and want to give up!

I was just like you when I first started getting symptoms over 20 years ago! I was one of those people who spent countless hours researching how to manage IBS and who lost count of how much money they spent in the hopes of finding a magic “cure”, only to be let down time and time again. Managing IBS doesn’t have to be difficult, but all the misinformation out there has made it seem hard!

But managing your IBS doesn’t need to be complicated, I did it and I can teach you the same! I teach my clients how to eliminate their bloating, constipation and diarrhoea and take control of their IBS without the overwhelm and stress of having everything be perfect.

Plus, did you know that research show that those who follow the FODMAP diet with the support of a dietitian get better relief from their symptoms? Pretty amazing, right?!

I hoped this has helped inspire you to know that you CAN take control of your IBS; you just need to have the right strategies and mindset to make it happen!


Are you ready to break free from bloating, constipation or diarrhoea and start taking control of your IBS? CLICK HERE to book a Complementary Strategy Call with me to get started and let's create a nutrition plan that helps you feel confident in your food choices so you can so you can finally find lifetime relief from your IBS!



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